How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Having imposter syndrome is like having a really bad friend in your head that's always saying mean things to you.

But have you ever wondered — Why we let ourselves talk to ourselves this way when we won’t even do it to other people?

Today I want to share my journey of overcoming my imposter syndrome both at work and online.

If you prefer watching a video, you can watch the full video on my YouTube channel here.

Or read along below.

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome — 3 Simple Steps

Imposter syndrome is defined as the persistent belief that you don't deserve the success that you have.

Even if you have accomplished a lot, you still feel anxious about your abilities, doubt yourself, or feel like you’re going to fail.

What I used to do is I would work really hard to prove myself because I didn’t think I was good enough.

I would over-prepare for presentations or take on a lot of work. I ended up getting burnout because I was doing so much just to prove my worth.

Here are 3 simple steps that have helped me overcome my imposter syndrome in building my personal brand online.

Teach Something Small

If you’re doubting yourself a lot when you’re building your personal brand.

The best way to overcome this specific imposter syndrome is to teach only what you know.

Niche down into something so small that you know how to do it in your sleep.

When I first started creating content online, I had a blog called Just an Intern where I shared my career journey about being an Intern Architect.

Instead of picking the “career” niche, I niched down to create content around early careers like getting your first job and writing your first resume as a graduate. 

I wasn’t writing about getting promotions or negotiating for your salary cause I haven’t done that. 

Only sharing what I have done gave me the confidence to put myself out there.

Don’t overreach to teach something that you don’t know.

Don’t Fake it Til You Make It

I feel like the saying “fake it til you make it” is what contributes to a lot of the imposter syndrome that we experience at work.

Especially as a woman in the corporate world, people would tell you to fake it til you make it. 

Faking it literally makes you feel like a fraud in a lot of ways.

The better way to go about it, for me,  is to ask questions.

A friend of mine used to tell me don’t ask this question or that question because it will appear that you have a weakness at work.

But I didn’t like that advice. If you don’t know something, own it.

People didn’t hire you to fake it and end up making a mistake because you’re pretending to know something that you don’t know.

They’d rather you ask the right questions, figure out how to do something, and do it right.

Open Up About How You Feel

The day before I was preparing to give my first client presentation as the lead designer in a project.

I texted my Design Director, and I said “I’m really nervous about the presentation tomorrow. I don’t think I will do a good job. Do you want to do it instead?”

She immediately texted me back and told me when she was young, she wouldn’t even speak at any meetings let alone do a client presentation.

She said she’s proud that I’m already doing so much better than most designers when they’re young.

By telling her about how I felt, I was able to get the support and encouragement I needed to move forward with the presentation.

I know it can seem like you’re weak, or not competent to do your job if you tell your boss that you’re nervous.

But remember that imposter syndrome is a feeling and it’s not logical. It has nothing to do with your actual ability to do the work. 

By opening up, you might find that you’re not alone in this situation.

Many people even the most successful people out there feel like imposters.

 A Life-long Lesson

All of these tips are easier said than done. This is really a lifelong practice. I’m still learning to love myself. Unconditionally no matter what happens.

Reply back and let me know — What would you tell the voice inside your head today? 

Always rooting for you,


More resources to build your personal brand today:

  1. Follow me on Linkedin for more content on personal branding.

  2. Gain clarity on your most pressing questions.

  3. Work with me 1:1 to build your personal brand.

Joann Lui

I’m a Registered Architect and Personal Brand Strategist - helping architects and designers build their personal brand to make a living doing what they love. My goal is to help you be heard, be seen, and be known for who you truly are. You can reach out to me directly right here or follow me on Instagram.

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